Testade lite nya produkter i samband med helgens festligheter. Jag var på en Fest med temat ’Vintage Circus’ Höll mig dock ganska lugn när det kom till utklädningen men gjorde en ganska mjuk simpel makeup som jag tror många kan ha användning för när som! Nedan finner ni vad jag testat och vad jag tyckte!
/Tried some new products in conjunction with this weekend’s festivities. I was at a party with the theme ’Vintage Circus’ Kept me quite calm when it came to transforming my self into something but made a pretty simple soft makeup that I think many people might have use for at all times! Below you can find what I tried!
Produkter jag har använt / Products I’ve used
Ögon / Eyes
Icy Eye Palette PIXI – Good soft pigments, like a lot!
HD Eye Primer NYX – Pretty Creamy so make sure to really fix the eye shadow into it when using it!
White Inliner pencil ISADORA – Gives a really strong and long lasting color!
Läppar / Lips
Led Light Gloss Elegance MAKE UP STORE – What a color!! I will use it all the time!
Rouge / Blush
Twist Up Blush and Go 82 Coral Island ISADORA – Amazing, because I have really searched for a good creme blush!
Bryn / Eye Brows
Cryon Combo Super natural PIXI – Great eye brow pen, great pigment but pretty thick to use for really fine brows.
Fransar / Eye lashes
Volume MAKE UP STORE – Love it! I will tell you more about it later this week!