Ja, så kom domedagen i VM! Nu är alla fruars, flickvänners och icke fotbolls intresserade vänners lidande snart slut;) Det ska bli sjukt kul med final och jag har sagt sedan länge att Argentina skulle ta hem det! Åtminstone komma till final! Jag är sjukt taggad i alla fall! Vem vill du ska vinna VM?
/So, the judgment day has come when it comes to the World Cup! Now the suffering is almost over for all the wives, girlfriends and friends thats not interesting in football. It’s going to be so much fun and I have said for quit a while that Argentina would win! At least get to the finals! Who do you want to win the World Cup?
’Germany’ Produkter / Products:
Eye Brows made with Brow Pro Palette Dark brown & Ebony by @anastasiabeverlyhills
Black Liquid Eyeliner Eye Do by @eyeko
Red eyeliner using a lippencil by @emitemakeup
Yellow Cybershadow Ra & Microshadow Pollution & White by @makeupstore
Eyelashes Glamour Double up 205 by@ardell_Lashes
’Argentina’ Produkter / Products:
Eye Brows made with Brow Pro Palette Dark brown & Ebony by@anastasiabeverlyhills
Black Liquid Eyeliner Eye Do by@eyeko
Automatic eyeliner Light Blue & Ombretto eyeshadow no.19 by @wjcon
Blue inknipen color from Asia. Microshadow Pollution & White & Eye pencil snowflake by @makeupstore
Eyelashes Glamour Double up 205 by @ardell_Lashes