
Att jobba som Makeup Artist


Bachelor 2016

Bachelor 2016

Bachelor 2016    
bachelor 2016

Yes, här har ni honom, nya Bachelorhunken som jag fick äran att grooma förr förra veckan. Fick ju inte avslöja något förrän i fredags egentligen då Tv4 avslöjade att det alltså blir Sebastian Ljungberg som blir den nya hunken på kanal 7:s Bachelor. Funderar du på att söka så kan jag gå i god på att han är super go och hur trevlig som helst! 🙂 Stort Lycka till Sebastian, hoppas du hittar din stora kärlek!

Yes, here you have him, the new Swedish Bachelor for 2016 that I was honored to do some grooming on two weeks ago. I couldn’t reveal anything until last Friday when Tv4 revealed that Sebastian Ljungberg, will become the new hunk on Channel 7’s Bachelor. Are you planning to send in your application for the show? I can vouch that he is super cute and nice guy! 🙂 Good luck Sebastian, I hope you find your big true love!

To express a feeling and an emotion through some creative work is a passion I will never abandon!

Sneak peak of what’s about to launch for Make Up Store this  summer!

That face!How beautiful can a person be?  From the inside and out she is stunning!

In my work I meet a lot of people. Behind the scenes it’s a lot of collaborations between models, makeupartists, hairstylists and assistents in all departments. We share pressure, stress, waiting and we all some time during the day have pain in our feets, backs and some times with headaches! It’s all worth it when you have good people around you and the result gets fabolous!

Models Simona, Cornelia, Matilda, Sofia, Megan & Tora with a lot of help from my assistant Rebecka became the best team ever! Great job, together we made the Look Story look amazing!

The show is a bout to begin! We did 4 shows yesterday! 

That face and that dress. Here’s my colleague Jenny’s work for the lock Exotic Chic!

I want that jacket! Here’s my wonderful colleague Sarah’s work for the look Scale!

Model Toko is rocking that exotic outfit!

When we’re about to go crazy and just playing around backstage before the last show after over 12 hours of work!:)

My Wise Makeup colleague Jenny on stage describing the look for the guests!

Last show and we’re about to go home! Such a great event! Thank you Make up store for bringing so much color and love in to the world!

makeupbylina jobbPennywiseartmakeupbylina stockholm     

Så exalterad! Nu ligger ett utav mina senaste jobb ute. Vi kallar det Intimacy! En fantastisk plåtning som slutade med massa fina bilder. Tack Alla fina inblandade i teamet:

Foto/Photo: PENNYWISEART jimmy håkansson
Foto assistent/Photo assistent: Alexandra Kaktus
Stylist: Aysha Jones Ceesay
Stylist assistent: Monica Ewerlöf 
Makeup: Lina Ekh / Makeup By Lina
Hår/Hair: Jonna Olsson / By Barda
Modeller/Models: Johanna & Trixie / Elite