
Lina Reser


dags att resa ner till frankrikE

Gårdagen gick så otroligt snabbt! Så är det alltid dagen innan man ska resa långt tycker jag. Man irrar omkring i lägenheten, letandes, packandes och fylld med energi! Man vill ju bara åka!

Kl är 05.00 och jag sitter nu på en flygbuss mot Skavsta för att sedan ta mig ner till Frankrike och Biarritz. Där väntar två utav mina bästa vänner som är nere och surfar! Där ska jag spendera 1,5 vecka innan det sedan bär av mot Ibiza, Italien och sedan ett återbesök i Kroatien! Är så sjukt pepp och längtar enormt efter sol, mat och vin!

Detta är en välbehövlig semester så om jag hamnar i ett semester mood och inte håller er lika uppdaterade så vet ni varför, I NEED IT!

/Yesterday went by so incredibly fast! The day before traveling its always like this. Running around the apartment, looking for everything & packing filled with energy! You just want to go!

The time is 5:00am and I’m sitting on a shuttle bus to the airport where the flight will take me down to Biarritz. There two of my best friends are waiting for me! They are all ready there and surfing the waves! I will spend 1.5 weeks there before I will continue my travel towards Ibiza, Italy, and then a return visit to Croatia! I’m so up for this, really longing for some sun, food and wine!

This is a very much needed vacation so if I get into a holiday mood and doesn’t keep you as updated as you normally get,you know why, I NEED IT!


Det här lilla rese kittet Week-end från Sephora kom verkligen som ett brev på posten! Mitt mini torr schampo var slut, min dagkräm var slut och min rengöring är för stor! Kanon smidigt! Jag hittar inte riktigt priset på den men jag googlade mig fram och jag tror att flask kitet ligger runt 100 lappen. Resten av produkterna finns att köpa separat på Sephora!

/This small travel kit Week-End from Sephora came in to my life in a correct time! My mini dry shampoo was all out, my day cream finished and my cleanser is too big! Super smoothly! I can’t really find the price on it but I googled and I think the bottle kit is around 100 Sek. The rest of the products are available for purchasing separately at Sephora!

Senare på kvällen  spenderade jag tid med några utav mina gamla kollegor! Så roligt att träffas och prata om allt som hänt sedan sist vi sågs! Vi var på East och åt fantastisk mat! Hatar deras menyer, för jag vill verkligen ha allt! Så svårt att bestämma sig men till sist blev det en lammrätt!

/Later that evening I spent some time with old colleagues! So fun to meet and talk about everything that happened since the last time we met! We were on the restaurant East and we ate such an amazing food! I hate their menus though because I really want to have it all! So hard to decide but eventually it became a lamb dish!

The picture I sent my boyfriend when it became penalty!

Väl hemma väntade en lång och utdragen fotbolls match! Då min kärlek är argentinare var det ytterst viktigt att bringa tur till laget, dvs bära deras tröja! Jag har sagt sedan länge att Argentina skulle ta sig till final så jag bara visste det! När straffarna var avklarade väntade äntligen sängen! 2,5 timme fick jag sova och nu sitter jag som sagt på väg till en fantastisk semester! Gissa vem som kommer sova på planet! Ciao!

Back home, a long football match was waiting for me! My love is Argentinian so it was of course veeeery important to were their colors to bring luck to the team! I have said the whole time that Argentina would get to the final so I just knew it! When the penalty was completed my bed was finally waiting for me. 2.5 hours off sleep then I went to this bus where Im at now. s Guess who will sleep on the plane!? See you soon! Ciao!

Started to travel all around the world for business…

Long days with a lot of fun & a constantly visit at Starbucks!

Had the opportunity to visit a lot of countries where I had never been before! Kuwait was fun, strange and extremely Hot!

In April my Grandma turned 80 years old and me and my family went to her home country Portugal where we visited our relatives! Yes, I´m actually a quart Portuguese! Beautiful Lisbon! Unfortunately not everybody could come but we were quit many any way!

I travelled back to Singapore for the second time. One of my favorite country so far!

I didn’t just visit warm places..heres a beautiful morning picture in Denver, Colorado! Usa has been a major goal for me..Ive always wanted to visit America!

Island and beautiful Reykjavik, check!!

Ibiza! An Island I will visit more often..I got to know a wonderful woman working with so many projects! She´s one of the coolest persons I met..working straight from her heart!

Another country on the list that I’ve always wanted to visit was the Philippines! Met so many happy people!

After 9 years working for Make Up Store I decided to resign for new adventures! Since 2008 I’ve been running my own company as a freelancer. Now It was time to focus 100% on my own!

Celebrating Midsummer was wonderful surrounded by my favorite people! Sunglasses on by the way…

Swedish summer! Feeling free and happy… Here´s me and my Sister in the archipelago, west coast, Sweden!
Had an amazing trip to Sardinia, Italy with a bunch of friends! Clear water, fresh sea food and a lot of rest!
Rent a beautiful house up in the Italian mountains. This place was ours for 10 days!

The view was amazing and so was the Rosé!

A memorable weekend to Prague with my whole family when my mama turned 50! We had a lovely time with a lot of good food laughter and lots of bear!

I´m so blessed to have my best friends and we are growing fast.. During the summer our new baby member was born! Welcome Arvid we have been waiting for you!

August 2013 Ive decided to eat more clean with one exception..the upcoming christmas food! Its amazing how healthy you can feel by just eating right!

Me and some girlfriends took the plane to Trollhättan because of…
..our friends, Cecilia & Johans wedding! I had the honor to do her hair and makeup! Now they are waiting their first child!

In November I started my first blog ever here at Devote.se!

This is a picture of me and my girls last New years Eve 2011/2012!  We had no clue of what was coming…Tonight we will take a new picture and we I’m so exited of whats coming! Maybe HE will come in to my life…